NOURISH: 12 Week Nutrition Programme

Initial nutrition consultation plus 11 weekly follow up consultations.

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Personalised Nutrition

Personalised nutrition is a fantastic tool to help build your transformation from the inside out. Programmes are tailored specifically for you, taking into account your health journey, your health goals and dietary preferences.

Nutritional therapy takes a holistic approach to your health - recognising that no one system in the body works in isolation and that everyone is biochemically individual.

For fully personalised programmes laboratory testing is offered (as additional support where warranted) and supplements may also form a part of your nutrition plan. Functionals tests may be used to inform the recommendations based on your unique biological individuality.

What’s Involved?

Prior to your initial consultation, you will be sent a health questionnaire to complete and return to me.

Your initial nutrition consultation will last approximately 1 ½ hours and during this time we will go through your questionnaire in detail to gain a full healthy history, and a detailed picture of your current state of health and lifestyle. This helps to lay the foundations for your nutritional programme.

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Your nutritional programme throughout the 12 weeks is geared towards educating, empowering and supporting you.

Follow up consultations are approximately 45 minutes each and allow us to check your progress on a weekly basis (and, no this doesn’t have to involve a weekly “weigh-in”), meal plan together, amend your programme as needed, and introduce other changes as we go.

Daily accountabiity via What’s App supports your programme too.

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Weight loss & Confidence

It’s never just weight loss! Whilst for many of us, the desire to lose weight might trigger our need for change, we know that feeling great from the inside out is vital!

So know that common areas that nutritional therapy is used to support include:

  • Improving energy levels

  • Stress management

  • Digestive Disorders (eg. IBS, IBD)

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Skin disorders (eg. Acne, eczema, psoriasis)

  • Female health issues (eg. PMS, PCOS, endometriosis)

  • Cardiovascular health

  • Blood sugar control

  • Immune support


Weight Loss

I take a positive approach to nourishing your body with great-tasting healthy food. Portion control, mindful eating and other lifestyle approaches form part of your programme. There is no calorie or points counting. My aim is always to educate and provide you with an understanding of your nutrition, so that you are empowered throughout the programme and beyond. Of course, meal planning can form a part of your sessions to help give that further level of support.

Even though the NOURISH programme is personalised, embarking on this programme also gives you access to the You By Anthea Together online community.

This gives you access to online 15 minute workouts and yoga sessions and support from like-minded members.

Workouts & Community

Anthea (BA Hons, BSc) is a Registered Nutritional Therapist with BANT (British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine) and a member of the CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council).