Don’t miss out this December!
It’s hard to escape the indulgence that surrounds us at this time of year… both savoury and sweet…and it’s never just limited to just Christmas day either! Whatever your health goals are, the temptation to take a “sod-it-I’ll-wait-til-January” approach is very real!
So how can we avoid a food freefall, whilst not depriving ourselves at the same time?
Mindful eating! This is such a powerful technique to help give you an empowered sense of moderation this season. And what’s really great, is that you can start this now, and carry it on for the lond haul.
Check out my 5 Mindful Eating Tips below:
Ditch the idea of “good” or “bad” foods.
Rather, think of foods as “nourishing” (rich in healthy nutrients that your body needs) and “treat” foods. These words represent the idea of an 80/20 balance. This is where you focus on at least 80% of your foods belonging to the nourishing category, and allowing yourself 20% leeway for treats if you like. Removing a sense of guilt can help remove a common self sabotage trigger, not to mention help you to enjoy a treat for exactly what it is - a treat!
2.Be Intentional
What do you genuinely enjoy to treat yourself with? Social gatherings at this time of year can offer a range of options - not all of which will be your favourites. Yet it’s easy to nibble on the festive food just because it’s there! Be selective about what you really want.
3.Set the scene!
Eating on the go and with distractions it’s a great way to eat mindlessly, and not acknowledge what you’re eating. That can make it very easy to overindulge. This also applies to eating food in front of the TV, laptop or whilst scrolling through your phone. Take some time to really focus on your food. This is also a great way to support digestion. The process starts before the first actual bite - appreciating how your food looks and smells can trigger the release of important digestive enzymes
4.Eat like a gourmet
If your mum ever told you off for inhaling your food, then she was onto something… Eating too quickly and not chewing enough isn’t just a bad idea for digestion, but it’s a terrible way to enjoy your food! Savour each mouthful to really get the flavours. Chew soft foods at least 5-10 times before swallowing, and give hard foods 30 chews.
5.Pause between mouthfuls
Next time you eat, notice how you are doing it. Many of us are still chewing food whilst we are cutting up the next mouthful - hovering with cutlery mid air, whilst we wait to swallow the previous bite!
Rest your cutlery or hands between mouthfuls. After chewing thoroughly, swallow and then pause before picking up the next piece of food.
Slowing down in this way helps you to recognise when you are satisfied much more easily than if you bolt your food down…. And of course, it’s a much more digestion-friendly way of eating!
With this approach there is no need to wait until Monday, or January! Start it the next time you are eating. When you suddenly remember halfway through a meal (because we all forget!) simply, pause, rest your cutlery and chew more.
It can really be that simple and effective!
If you’d like some more personalised support with your nutrition and lifestyle to reach your health goals, then get in touch.